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Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Seducing Women

Salma Hayek

Seducing Women

"It is not enough to conquer; one must learn to seduce."
- Voltaire

The timeless art of seduction requires technique, patience and a workable understanding of the female psyche. Many men have asked the age-old question, “how do I get her in the mood?” Well, considering that every woman is unique, and that men need to adapt and assimilate on a constant basis, seduction is never predictable or straightforward. How a woman reacts to a man relies on a number of different factors, many of which may go unnoticed if the man moves too quickly and doesn’t restrain his innermost desires. Timing is essential. Establishing a connection with the woman in question is paramount. In the end, a successful seduction results in the lovely lady’s inflamed lust; there’s a glimmer in her eyes that is both determined and captivating. Until the man can achieve this goal, he hasn’t reached into the depths of the woman’s mind and -- at least temporarily -- made her his own.

That’s the one mistake men will continue to make: the physical comes after the mental. One must first become a fixture of the woman’s mind, and only after she has had sufficient time to dwell on the impending moment will she become ready for physical adoration.
Seducing Women on AM
Beyond the first step -- meeting women -- there’s nothing more important in the male bachelor’s love life, which is why places a firm emphasis on seducing women. There’s a wide variety of seduction techniques to study, and as there are multiple steps in the process, there’s always plenty to talk about. We’ve got everything from “4 Seduction Meals” and “How To Seduce A Sleeping Woman” to “Top 10: Seduction Albums” and “Amazing Seduction Secrets,” so set aside some research time. Don’t be afraid to call it “research,” either; that’s exactly what it is. If you’re heading into a seduction attempt without either a ton of experience and/or the advice of the experts, you’re risking the most humiliating sort of failure. It's worth educating yourself, or you may suffer a terribly bruised ego.

Seducing Women Fact
Did you realize that, depending on the survey you find, 80-90% of all women will say that a sense of humor is necessary in order to cultivate a seduction? In other words, if you’re not capable of making her laugh, your chances of performing a successful seduction are very low.

source: askmen

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